New Job and New Pattern
Show Notes: News and Notes - Thank you all for the sweet notes about my mom and Richard being on the most recent episodes. Racing Heart Socks! The pattern is available here on Ravelry. Proceeds from the pattern will be donated to the American Heart Association . Check out PKJewerly 's project page for her socks . She is the co-designer of this wonderful (if I say so myself) pattern. KAL for these socks starts on July 1 and will run through August 31. Knit along with us whether you are running a 5K with us this fall, or just cheering us on. The yarn for the socks is Desert Vista Dyeworks C2 5K themed colorway, in either red or grey. Check it out here ! Prizes for the KAL include the awesome project bags from Ploverbird on Etsy. Thank you, thank you! Color Affection KAL! We have many beautiful FOs in the prize thread. You all are awesome! Runs through Sept. 18, so there is still plenty of time for you to hop in if you are interested. Showed off Truckergirl ...