I Heart You ALL

Awesome Valentine’s Day! Thank you to all of the wonderful people who worked on my Sweet Pink Hearts blanket. The sneaky Ravelry thread where everyone planned it in Emily’s group is here.

Check out the lemknitcrochet group for the Histocytosis fundraiser details. Girlfriends Knitting is donating a set of stitch markers.


  • Back to recording my food on WW. You really don’t see how bad you are eating until you are recording everything that goes into your mouth! If you want to friend me on WW online, I am cawshirley there, just like everywhere else.
  • Going to attempt the C25K plan again, with DragonTamerBrat as my “coach”! Getting prepared for the Zombie 5K. Running from zombies, always great motivation.

FO: Amy’s Span the Rainbow. Used some Fibernymph Dyeworks to finish off the top.


  • Baby Boy blanket - using Bernat in the Boo Berries colorway.
  • Fisherman Sweater for Amy in Fisherman’s wool.

This is the website I used to learn how to cable without a cable needle. You can google it and tons of videos come up as well.

25% off select items in the Girlfriends Knitting Etsy shop.


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