Frankenscarf KAL

Did you see the stabby viral knitting video on TikTok? "Stab it, strangle it, scoop out its guts, throw it off a cliff." Did it make you want to try your hand at knitting? Of course, it did! (Or maybe you are already a knitter and just found it hilarious, and you know you want to join in.) To bring us all together and to help those new to knitting get started, I am hosting a Frankenscraf Knit-a-long (KAL for those of you new to knitter-speak.) We will be creating a choose-your-own adventure-type scarf using whatever supplies you want. Need some advice on supplies? You can see my Amazon suggestions here: Frankenscarf KAL Suggestions . You can join the fun here, TikTok, or Ravelry. Sign up for the free pattern and to get exclusive updates using the form on the right side of the webpage. I will have a pattern for the scarf, but no need to use it! Throw it off a cliff for all I care, I just want everyone knitting!! And, of course, sharing their beautiful creations. Look for me...