Hello? Anybody home?

Have you ever time-traveled? I have this week - back in time over ten years to when life for me was much different. Some of you have traveled with me, having seen my current TikTok videos under the same name and googling Girlfriends Knitting to find an old blog with over 80 posts about knitting, spinning, and life with a disabled spouse. 

I perused the pages, watched some of the videos, cried a little, laughed a lot, and just reminisced.

It is very odd seeing your life documented in front of the camera that way. 

Your brain has what my dad liked to call revisionist memory. It will edit out the bad parts, blur some of the parts that sting a little too much in full color, and add embellishments to make stories better, funnier, sweeter. But not the camera. It shows everything. You can't say something didn't happen when it is right there in recorded history. Roll the tape!

I have decided to revisit that time in my life, review the footage, learn and grow from my new vantage point of increased age and restored faith. I am rebuilding my community, many of whom have remained my close friends throughout these many intervening years. And hopefully, growing my community to include new friends. Friends who might not have joined me before. And for those of you who meet my new self and decide you liked the old me better? No hard feelings and I wish you joy and love.

Won't you join me on the adventure?

(Still) Your knitting girlfriend,


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