Blocking hand-knitted items

*This article has affiliate links to the items I used on Amazon. Clicking on links is at no cost to you, but I may earn a small commission.

After you are gifted a hand-knitted item, you should learn how to properly care for it. I had a wonderful time teaching Evie how to wash and care for her new socks. Of course, Mama will still do that for her for a while, but she can now help me. It was also a fun way to spend time together and bond over my love of knitting and her love of socks!

If you haven't seen the video, here it is.

In the video, I used my very own homemade hanger. However, there is a better way. Check out this sock blocker set with hangers that are even adjustable! Here is also a link to the assorted set of Soak wash that we used. This product is great because it does NOT require that you rinse the items. I also have a link to a larger size if you prefer. #amazonaffiliate

Sock Blockers

Click here to get these great sock blockers!


Click here for the larger sizes, and click here for the smaller sizes Evie and I use in the video.


I truly hope you enjoy watching Evie and I wash and block socks together.

Your hand-knit washing knitting girlfriend,


I get a commission through purchases made from links to this site at no additional cost to you.


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