So many ENDS!

Do you think through a project before you get started? Do you think about each step and the amount of time and effort those steps will take and whether or not you have that time or are even willing to put in that effort?

Clearly, I am not one of those people who do those things, or I would not have picked not one, but TWO projects that had 5879 ends to weave in. But more on the second one in a minute.

First up, the Frankenscarf that I designed and knit for the month of July. Before I complain too much about end-weaving, let me just say that I love this project and had a blast designing and knitting it. 5 out of 5 stars. However, it should come with a warning that the number of ends will grow rapidly. As it is designed for you to change yarn often, you will have two ends to weave it at each yarn change. For a scarf that ended up being 6 feet long, that equated to 2.5 hours of end-weaving. (Yes, I actually did time it.)

If you are not familiar with how to change yarn in a project, I have your back as always. Here is a tutorial on how to switch yarn in a project that is short and sweet.

Watch on TikTok

A friend introduced me to another useful tool that I consider essential for managing numerous yarn ends: a yarn needle designed to easily catch those short strands. One such needle is the finishing needles, created by Susan Bates. What I particularly appreciate about this needle is its ability to grasp even the tiniest bit of remaining yarn for weaving in, allowing you to effortlessly pull it through. #amazonaffiliate Click the picture or this link to purchase.

But do you know what my absolute favorite yarn needles are? The ones that are made of metal and have a little bend at the tip. I'm totally hooked on these needles, they're the ones I go to every single time. #amazonaffiliate Click here to get your own!

Here is another great kit, an 150 pieces of knitting accessory goodness! Get this kit here!

But what is the SECOND project that had an insane number of ends? The cute log-cabin baby blanket you have seen me working on, of course! I finally got it finished and began weaving last night. I am so excited to share it with the new parents this weekend. Here is a picture of the back of the blanket. It is not a reversible pattern. I have even seen it created with a sewn on backing to hide the ridges that get formed on the back when you pick up each new row. However, I think I will leave it as is, ends tidied up, of course.

How are all of your loose ends going? Knitting or otherwise? Comment below.

Your end-weaving knitting girlfriend,

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