The Great Podcast Migration

(The following events may or may not have occurred in the creation and publication of my podcast. I refuse to say in order to protect the guilty.) You decide you want to do a knitting podcast. You have a webcam on your computer. You could just record on there, upload it (somewhere, you don't even think about the where really) and tell everyone about it. Done. This will be easy. Then you get started. You sit down to record and realize that you aren't even quite sure what you want to talk about. You look around frantically for your works in progress. But wait, are you really prepared to admit on camera you have 20 WIPs? Not even your knitting circle know this shameful secret. (Actually, you didn't even realize this until you started counting them.) What about yarn, didn't you buy some yarn this week that was really cool? Ok, grab it. Share that, too. Segments - should you have segments? The cool podcasters all have cute segment names that go with cute them...