Monogamy is not for me!

I am not a monogamous knitter. I usually have way too many projects on the needles (as you can usually see from the WIP list on the right, now though the Christmas knitting is hidden.) I have tried to have only one project at a time, but there are just too many beautiful yarns and fun-looking patterns for me to be faithful to a single project. Maybe it is my fickle Gemini nature (if you believe that sort of thing), or maybe I just don't have a very long attention span, but as soon as I have gotten a project well underway, I find myself glancing at my stash of yarns, or searching out new patterns on
Ravelry, bored with the project on my needles. What then happens is I justify that since I am bored, I should cast on something else. I then happily begin working on my new knitting project until I tire of it. But, instead of going back to the original project and having only two or at most three projects on the needles, I tend to repeat the cycle of finding a new project.
Acknowledging the problem is the first step to solving it, right? Well, I acknowledged this problem a while back and I am happy to report that I now only have 4..uh, 5....wait, maybe it is seven... unfinished projects. That is not that bad, is it? And I don't really have to count the two (or three) unfinished quilting projects, do I? That's not knitting, after all. And all that Christmas knitting doesn't really count either, since it must be finished this month. And those KAL (knit-a-long) projects don't count either, because that is just being part of the larger knitting community. So really I only have, um, wait! That is all of them! I don't have any other projects right now.


I wonder what I should cast on?

-Your (non-monogamous) Knitting Girlfriend


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