Hat Journey Continues

Since I was making a hat for Charlotte, several of my other friends/co-workers asked if I would knit them one as well. Always happy to have a new project, I cast on two other hats. Let me note that it was I that suggested the patterns for the hats they got. Melissa - an aqua Dufton hat that went great with her beautiful red hair, and Jenn - a version of Hermione's hat from a Harry Potter movie for the die-hard Potter fan. Both had cables. Did I mention I hate cables? Especially when they form a lattice pattern that requires them ON EVERY ROW!!! No? Didn't mention that? Huh...well, I didn't think about that when I picked these patterns either. I cast the Dufton hat for Melissa on first...then quit...it was terrible. I then cast on the Hermione's hat for Jenn....then quit. It wasn't as bad, but that alternate cable cast on was rough! I then decided to knit some socks. Two weeks later, when I found myself avoiding my friends in the halls, I told myself No...